Monthly Archives: December 2012

Towards a living logic…

DSC_1741When I dive deeper into the dynamics of how I know the world, my everyday use of classical logic is one element that I have experienced as a restraint to how alive and open I am for new thoughts and innovation. In classical logic the thing is the same as itself, and not the same as, therefore excludes, everything else. For example, A =  A and nothing but A itself. It forbids life to have contradictory qualities. There can be no third, or ‘other’ possibility, and so it leads me down a path of exclusion. It leaves me with an inability to hold contradictory thoughts without inequality. At this level of logic I tend to reject anything that becomes a contradiction, considering it false, a lie or just not possible. However, this type of logic is often not correct, or directly observable in reality, only in thought, and, I would argue, has been discovered through empirical observations of thoughts only, and not of life itself.

To overcome the paradoxes and contradictions in classical logic I have to step out into the unknown and let go of what I think we ‘know’, moving into a more alive, dynamic form of logic. In this, more holistic, type of logic which can be directly experienced in life, A does not equal A, and yet also equals that which is ‘not’ A. The question then arises, what does it mean for a part of life not to be separate from that which it is not? At first it seems impossible, especially if we consider it analytically, yet we actually encounter these instances in everyday life. We can consider the acorn and the oak tree as an example. The acorn is and is not an oak tree, and the oak tree is and is not an acorn – they both intrinsically hold potential for, and to become, the other. The meaning of a sentence is and is not the sentence itself. The meaning emerges as you dynamically move from word to word, but is never wholly present and can not be objectified. Openness is required before truth unfolds and at the same time, as truth unfolds, it produces openness. In each case there is a dynamic, inner unity and living moment that holds the potential for both to arise in, and out of, each other. This opens up a whole, dynamic way of seeing which is invisible through the eyes of classical logic.